Sneaking Sunscreen Into Your Daily Beauty Routine

Sneaking Sunscreen Into Your Daily Beauty Routine

More than ever, we have become aware of the dangers of getting too much sun in order to prevent skin cancer. Avoiding the direct rays of the sun by hiding behind large sun hats on days when the UV index is off the charts, and poses a high danger for sun exposure, has become second nature for many of us. Skipping the tanning booths at spas and gyms has also become a no-brainer for some of us who have heeded the warnings of pre-mature aging and skin damage.

Thankfully, new ways of protecting our skin from harmful sun rays have joined tried-and-true methods of using sunscreen to help us remain beautiful while we are shielding ourselves. Sunless tanning lotions and glow-perfecting faux tanning mousses have replaced the bright orange-creating and horrid-smelling concoctions of the past. And they aren’t the only beauty products that offer sun protection in beautiful ways.

High SPF Beauty Products

There are still many women out there who haven’t incorporated sunscreen into their daily beauty routines. Whether it’s because lugging around bottles of SPF inside makeup bags that are already filled to the zipper with moisturizers, lip balms, foundations and concealers can be a chore, or that they can’t get over how some of them smell positively medicinal, protection from UV rays is an absolute must for anyone’s skin and health.

None of those annoying factors should cause you to completely forgo sun protection for days on end in the summer and spring months – or even on those sunny winter and fall days. Instead, it helps to take advantage of using double- and triple-duty products that can cut down on your makeup application time and lighten the cosmetic load in our purses.

There are SPF moisturizers for acne — oil-free moisturizers that not only address your break-outs but also come complete in both tinted and non-tinted formulas. The tinted moisturizers can provide just enough coverage to hide imperfections while not leaving you looking too caked-up in makeup like women in past years.

The tinted products are ideal for those events when you want a bit of coverage over dark sun spots – along with a dewy moisture-rich look – without appearing as though you’re headed out to a red carpet extravaganza.

Too much makeup – specifically painted-on foundation layers, heavy powders and thick sun-shielding concealers – can make the skin look older. Still, some women feel a bit naked upon leaving the house with nothing but moisturizer or sunscreen on their faces. That’s why the tinted options of skincare products, such as sunscreens and moisturizers, that contain SPF protection as well as a bit of color offer multiple benefits.

These days, the tinted moisturizers have been reverse engineered to figure out what’s best for the wearer. There are BB and CC creams that act like a light and sheer foundation, providing a youthful summer look, with a little bit of coverage.Giving wearers an easy application and smooth complexion, the most modern creams make you look like you’re standing under beautiful lighting. Best of all, they give that layer of protection from the sun that conventional foundations are lacking.

These tinted options of sun protection work best when you’re planning to attend an outing that doesn’t call for you to be dressed to the nines. Let’s say you’re on your way to a goat yoga class to be held on the picturesque outdoor patio of an eclectic bistro. Or you’re going to hit up a high-intensity bootcamp class that features a bit of jogging outside. They are circumstances that call for sun protection, but not a full face of makeup. That’s where the modern combination beauty products that address acne, sun protection and tinted coverage all in one bottle come in handy.

In spite of all the new options of beautiful sun protection products, remember, sun protection doesn’t always come in a bottle. There are tips and tricks to incorporate in your daily life that combine wonderfully with your sun protection products. Let’s examine those habits next.

Get creative with your sunscreen beauty routine

So you’ve slathered on your tinted BB cream, and you love the way your skin appears in the rear-view mirror of your SUV. Well, continue that sun-protecting logic by using the tools around you to protect the look you’ve created.

Did you know that many people in the U.S. have skin that appears older-looking on the left sides of their faces instead of their right sides? Can you guess why? Yep, it’s because of all the sun streaming into the driver’s side window. That’s right, through the window!

Keep up your sun-shielding regimen by using your seat’s positioning, your hair, a hat, scarf, your sideways twisting sun visor – or even a bit of window tinting – to protect your skin even further from the sun. Ultimately, the marriage of sun protection in your beauty products won’t give you the same level of protection as an actual sunscreen and developing a good sun protection routine. But they are some great tricks to use in the meantime.

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